Photos: @eGarage followers | Words: @Droozz
The smartphone has changed the perspective of photography. Today, almost anywhere in the world, we will find a cellphone with its focus upon a moment of time. It’s incredible how an individual cellphone’s 8-megapixel camera can carry with it a perspective that can grow Instagram accounts to 400k or 2.4m followers…quickly. It could be argued that Instagram has watered down a profession that was once time dependent and precise.
Photo: @fingerscrossed4morrow
Traveling with a bulk of photography equipment tends to generate serious questions about photography. A commonly asked question is what damage, if any, has Instagram done to photographers? Why are people lugging around all that equipment, to produce an image that will have significantly less reach than the single image Justin Bieber’s social media account manager posted today?
Photo: @ramirodiazgarcia
The Best Camera Is The One That’s With You. This is a tip from Chase Jarvis. It’s simple and proven. Perspective is what allows photography continue to evolve. It doesn’t matter what fancy equipment, tools, or post production you are working with. As photographers, we must continue to differentiate ourselves by expanding our perspective. This is what drives eGarage, we have an uncontrollable urge to create an automotive perspective that’s unique to us.
Photo: @Tennster
eGarage loves the worldwide perspective of the #eGarage hashtag and the reach Instagram offers. It proves automotive passion is on every continent and is thriving. As we recently shuffled our way through over 50,000 eGarage hashtags, it’s clear we’ve done a decent job spreading the automotive passion. We found some fans that, while they only publish a few automotive images, they tag them #eGarage. Thankfully, we have a handful of repetitive #eGarage contributors, and many fantastic Instagram photographers using our hashtag.
Photo: @optane
eGarage wants to continue evolving the perspective. Our fans help us keep the #eGarage alive and creative. So keep up the #eGarage #eGarage #eGarage
Here is a shoutout to our favorite eGarage hashtag images captured by our fans:
Photo: @tshenphotography
Photo: @The_Street_Sweeper
Photo: @Tetsu32
Photo: @tcmicka
Photo: @Sushi1886
Photo: @sprtsfrk4
Photo: @Sneezio
Photo: @Skotychops
Photo: @samijoephotography
Photo: @rykerzner
Photo: @prancingmooseftw
Photo: @muiibrownhouses
Photo: @mocomods_tony
Photo: @MeglioFerrari
Photo: @masonolennick
Photo: @kyle_mcmanus
Photo: @Kush_TV
Photo: @Jeremycliff
Photo: @jeabjglaze
Photo: @jdbtxyz
Photo: @geozai
Photo: @fayadh13
Photo: @Elite_GT500
Photo: @davide_viola
Photo: @chris_towle
Photo: @buzaidgt
Photo: @bjackson2718
Photo: @BC_LA
Photo: @autocraftmedia
Photo: @atl_supercars
Photos: @aochoa_photography
Photo: @alvinyak
Photo: @9republic
Photo: @_sg_photography_
Photo: @88rotors
Photo: @404_username_not_found
Photo: @aalbahrani
Photo: @alexbucur
Photo: @Dkatphoto
Photo: @exoticcarlife
Photo: @I_am_reddy_
Photos: @jackroadsphotography
Photo: @Keshdrivephotos
Photos: @kornbrownhouses
Photo: @leonardus_ivan
Photos: @rwbthailand