Since eGarage’s inception we wanted to incorporate original photography alongside our high quality films. Collectively, we kept our batteries charged pointing our glass with great focus on the new, the awesome, legendary, historic and sometimes irreplaceable metal. What will follow are the top 50 photos of 2012 as picked by you.
With regular contributors such at Raphael Belly, Ernesto Che, Josh Decker, Richard Thompson III, Jeremy Cliff, Albert Roxas, Jorge Payan, Mike Juergens, Jonathan DeHate, and Albert Manduca we hope to continue collaborating with a long list of creative lensmen throughout 2013.
Being collaborative is something we strive for daily. It is by far the most fruitful result when exploring creativity and originality. We searched into our photo networks which include Flickr, Instagram, and Facebook to gather our Top 50 most viewed photos for 2012 and here they are in no particular order:

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